
Showing posts from January, 2018

1-21-18 - Kids Sermon - Pastor Mike - Special Service - Pursue - The Great I AM

Click Link Below To Listen To The Message Audio The Great I AM When Moses encountered God at the burning bush God said He is I AM. What does that mean to us today? That means God is the same yesterday, today and forever, His name is timeless. He is I AM. He is everything. We talked about the different names Jesus gave Himself as well (ie I Am The Way, the Truth and the Life).  This message was given during a special service called Pursue where the adults worship for close to 2 hours.  Pastor Michael Rorie Children's Pastor Abundant Life Community Church - Wood River Campus

1-21-18 - Kids Sermon - Pastor Nicole and Collin Rorie - Bugs - The Butterfly - Transformation

Click On Link To Listen To Message Audio Today we continued with our Bugs series. Collin Rorie told the Bible Story while Pastor Nicole Rorie gave the message. The Butterfly is such a cool insect. The butterfly starts out as a caterpillar and after some time a transformation occurs. The caterpillar turns into a beautiful butterfly. This is much like how God transforms us. We are sinners. Not very pretty at all. In fact pretty dirty. Then when we come to know Christ and make Jesus the boss of our life we turn into something awesome. We are a child of God. We are transformed.  Pastor Nicole Rorie Children's Pastor Abundant Life Community Church - Wood River Campus

1-14-18 - Kids Sermon - Pastor Mike - Bugs - The Lighting Bug - Shine Your Light For Jesus

Click The Link Below To Hear This Message We are in a series called Bugs. In this series we are learning about various bugs that can teach us big truths about God. This week we are learning the lightning bug. This bug shines its light in dark places. Even in the darkest night you can see the lightning bugs light. In the same way we need to shine our light for Jesus in this dark world.  Lesson Taught By - Pastor Michael Rorie - Children's Pastor Abundant Life Community Church - Wood River Campus

1-10-18 - Kids Sermon - Pastor Mike - Why Pray?

Click Link To Hear The Audio Message This Wednesday I talked to the kids about why we pray. Why is it important? Why don't we like to pray? Why are we afraid to pray? How can we be more effective at praying? Where do our prayers go? All of this is covered in this message.  At the end of the message I explained to the kids that their prayers are all in the Throne Room of God before Him. And then out of the book of Revelation I described that Throne Room having them draw it as I did. It was a powerful exercise that got the kids thinking about heaven and where God is at and why they should pray and where all of their prayers go. Please feel free to provide feedback! - Pastor Mike -  Children's Pastor Abundant Life Community Church Wood River Campus